A listing of our bylaws that help our co-op run effectively.

Bylaw #7: Organizational Bylaw

This bylaw contains the rules under which Beaver Creek is organized. For example, it describes membership criteria, how meetings are conducted, how bylaws are passed, and the powers and responsibilities of members, the Board of Directors, Officers of the Board, and Employees.

Bylaw #8: Occupancy Bylaw

This bylaw contains the rules under which Beaver Creek provides housing for its members. For example, it describes members' rights and responsibilities, setting of housing charges, occupancy of housing units, rules and regulations as well as various policies.

Bylaw #9: Subsidy

This bylaw describes how subsidy is provided for members of Beaver Creek who are unable to afford the housing charges due to financial difficulties.

Bylaw #10: Borrowing bylaw

This bylaw describes how Directors of the Co-op may borrow money for the Co-op.

Bylaw #12: COVID-19 Emergency Bylaw

This bylaw makes provisions for the co-op to continue to make decisions while we are unable to have in-person general meetings.